Roads and Buildings Minister V Prashanth Reddy said due to heavy rains that have been lashing the State since last fortnight, several roads, bridges and culverts were damaged and the State Government sanctioned Rs.10 crore for taking up temporary repairs to avoid any inconvenience to road users.
The Minister held a review meeting with R&B department officials on Wednesday on the damages suffered due to heavy rains. During the meeting officials informed the Minister that roads
covering 1733 kms were damaged and about Rs.379.50 crore was required for repairing the stretches.
While, 8.4 kms road network was breached and 39.8 kms damaged on the surface and about Rs. 20.55 crore for taking up repairs.
Similarly, 412 culverts were damaged and Rs.98.19 crore was estimated to take up repair on these structures. The cumulative damage of roads, culverts and other structures was estimated at Rs.498.24 crore.