SC Development Minister Koppula Eshwar said the State government led by Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao was treating people from all religions and castes equally. He said people from any religion and caste need not feel insecure in Telangana as the State government was maintaining a secular atmosphere in the State by safeguarding and ensuring welfare of people from minority sections.
He released a poster and new year calender published by Buddhist monk Bhante Dhamma Dhaja Thero from Kakinada at a function organised at the statue of Buddha in the middle of Hussain Sagar here on Sunday.
Speaking on the occasion, the
Minister spoke about Gautama Buddha’s teachings like non-violence, peace, kindness, compassion, love, brotherhood and equality among others, which have inspired and continue to affect crores of people across the world.
He termed the teachings as practical and applicable in day-to-day life. His teachings have greatly influenced the people of Indian subcontinent, Japan, China, Mongolia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and others.
Telangana State Tourism Development Corporation managing director Manohar Rao and others attended the event.