IT Minister KT Rama Rao on Thursday said the State government would do its best to bring Indian students in Ukraine back to India. His tweet came right after a Telangana-origin medical student sought the help of Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao and KTR in returning home.
Claiming to be hearing the sounds of bombs, Supriya Reddy tweeted a video seeking help from the State government. About 20,000 Indian students are studying in Ukraine and more than half are still stuck there amid the Russia-Ukranian war.
Responding to the tweet, KTR said: “We will do our best to bring you all back asap. Will work with EAM @DrSJaishankar Ji and his team of Indian embassy officials at Kyiv. Please pass on your local contact information to or so that we can coordinate with
In addition, the minister also made an appeal to External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar on the plight of students from Telangana stranded in Ukraine. He appealed to the Indian government to arrange for special aircraft.
“Telangana government is ready to bear the full travel expenses for these students so we can bring them home safely and soon,” he added.
Telangana has set up helplines in Delhi and Hyderabad for those seeking assistance. The helpline numbers at Telangana Bhavan are +91 7042566955, +91 9949351270, and +91 9654663661. The email id is
The helpline numbers at the Telangana secretariat in Hyderabad are 040-23220603, +91 9440854433. The email id is