Health Minister, T Harish Rao on Monday launched Covid vaccination drive for youngsters aged between 15 years and 18 years in Telangana. In the coming months, the State government is targeting to administer Covid vaccines to 22.78 lakh youngsters in Telangana.
Inaugurating the Covid vaccination drive at Urban Primary Health Centre (UPHC) in Banjara Hills, Harish Rao urged parents and managements of high schools and junior colleges to take the initiative and ensure maximum number of children turn-up at Government-run Covid Vaccination Centres (GCVCs) and get vaccinated.
“There are 1014 Government health care facilities that are administering Covid vaccines to children aged between 15 years and 18 years. Slot booking for vaccination is through the CoWIN website in GHMC and 12 other Municipal Corporations. This has been done to avoid mass gatherings at Covid vaccination centres,” Harish Rao, after launching the vaccine drive, said.
The Health
Minister pointed out that the positivity rate of Covid infections in the last one week across the Country has gone-up. “People must take extreme precautions and avoid mass gatherings at any cost. In the last one year or so, medical infrastructure has been augmented to meet the demand for hospital beds. I urge people of Telangana to make use of government facilities and avoid incurring out-of-pocket expenditure at private hospitals,” he said.
Harish Rao urged people to not hesitate and quickly visit the nearest Government health care facility, in case they develop Covid symptoms. “We also have procured 21 lakh home isolation kits, which will be distributed to persons who test positive at government hospitals,” he said.
Acknowledging the crucial role of government health care workers during the past two Covid waves, Harish Rao urged the caregivers to be on alert, as Covid positive cases due to Omicron have the potential to drive hospital administrations.