The Telangana High Court on Wednesday refused to direct Osmania University authorities to allow party leader Rahul Gandhi to visit the campus on May 7.
A division bench refused to intervene in the issue and left the final decision to varsity Vice Chancellor.
The court dismissed the petition by K.A Manavatha Roy, a leader of students JAC (Joint Action Committee) and three others, seeking directions to the university authorities to allow Gandhi to visit the university and interact with the students.
The court observed that
the petitioners can submit a fresh application to the university and it is for the Vice Chancellor to take a decision on it.
After hearing arguments from both sides, the division bench upheld the judgment of a single bench delivered on Monday, refusing to pass any orders.
The standing counsel of the vice-chancellor conveyed to the court that the university is currently conducting examination for M Sc, M Com and MBA and any political event on the campus could have law and order problems.