Justice B. Vijaysen Reddy of the Telangana High Court has directed the Commissioner of Police, Hyderabad, to consider the request for security and protection for the upcoming Jashan-e-Wiladat Shahzadi ye Kounain event, which is scheduled to take place in the city on December 22.
The order comes in response to a writ petition filed by Syed Shams Uddin Noor, the caretaker of the Bibi Ka Chashma shrine in Falaknuma. In his petition, Noor contends that despite seeking police protection every year for the event, which holds significant religious importance, this year’s representation has not been addressed by the authorities. He
argues that the failure to grant protection violates constitutional provisions and the established practice of providing security for such public gatherings. The petitioner requested that the court direct the Hyderabad Police to deploy sufficient personnel to ensure law and order is maintained throughout the event, including during the preparatory phases and post-event dispersal. The writ challenges the alleged inaction of the police in considering the petitioner’s plea for adequate protection.
After hearing the arguments presented by Noor’s counsel, the judge directed the Government Pleader to obtain instructions on the matter.