The two-judge panel of the Telangana High Court comprising Chief Justice Satish Chandra Sharma and Justice Abhinand Kumar Shavali on Tuesday while hearing the visually impaired school children matter directed the state government to ensure supply toiletries at the girls’ school within three days. The panel took on file a 60-page report filed by senior counsel L Ravichander and advocates Goutham and Swetcha.
It may be recalled that based on a newspaper report in an English daily, the court required its Amicus Curiae to visit the school premises at Malakpet and Dharul Shafah. Addressing the court, the senior counsel pointed out how both the school and the hostel for the visually impaired boys were pathetic. He said that the post of the wardens in both hostels remained unfilled and staff nurses were in charge wardens. He detailed how even the students were tutored to respond to queries of the commission.
Special Government Pleader said that the government did not see the case as adversarial and would carry out all directions of the court. The panel granted four weeks time to the government to rectify all the defects and also directed the Secretary, Education Department to ensure the same.
The same panel on Tuesday directed the government to establish more old age homes in the state. The panel
took up a letter filed by Member Secretary Telangana State Legal Services Authority addressed to it as a taken up PIL. The letter questioned the inaction of the government regarding the sorry state of affairs prevailing at the old age homes in the Hyderabad and Ranga Reddy Districts.
The letter pointed out to lack of basic amenities at Mamatha Old Age Home in Shilpanagar, Nagaram and complained that it lacked basic amenities for human dwelling and consists of only two bedroom houses.
Amicus Vasudha Nagaraj filed a detailed report of the survey of the old age homes in the state. She pointed out that the old age homes run by state were only two and by NGO’s are 10 whereas the private old age Homes are 267 in number. She recommended a specific deadline to be fixed for the government for construction of old age homes.
The Advocate General earlier had informed the court that the government already furnished details for construction of old age homes with amount sanctioned and the project would be ready by 2025. The court granted 30 days’ time to constitute a state-level-committee and district level committee to monitor the same. The panel, while disposing off the PIL, granted liberty to the Member Secretariat to renew his grievance in the future.