Telangana on Thursday achieved yet another unique milestone in its fight against the Covid-19 pandemic by completing administration of over 5 crore Covid vaccines to eligible beneficiaries.
As on Thursday, a total of 2.93 crore first Covid dose, 2.06 crore second dose, 1.13 lakh vaccine doses for senior citizens, healthcare and frontline workers, as part of booster or precautionary dose initiative and 8.67 lakh doses of Covid vaccines to youngsters aged between 15 years and 18 years, have been administered.
Overall, 5,09,99,749 doses of Covid vaccines have been administered to eligible beneficiaries in the State. Among eligible beneficiaries aged above 18 years, the health department has administered first dose to 100 per cent of eligible beneficiaries and
second dose to 74 per cent of the beneficiaries.
Health Minister, T Harish Rao congratulated the field level workers for the unique milestone.
“Credit for achieving this huge milestone must go to the field staff of all government departments including health, municipal administration, Panchayat Raj, police and others who have worked collectively to make it possible. We are the first state among larger Indian states to have administered first dose to 100 per cent of the eligible beneficiaries.
I urge people of Telangana to use masks, maintain physical distancing, avoid mass gathering and strengthen the efforts of the State government to contain the Omicron driven third Covid wave,” he said