Telangana State Government has launched four welfare schemes for Farmers, Farm labourers, and those families that are below the poverty line. Ministers and Public representatives formally launched the schemes yesterday at a village at each block across the state. Launching these welfare schemes at Chandravancha village of Kosgi Mandal in Narayanpet district in the state, Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy criticised the previous BRS rule for not issuing Ration Cards to the poor families during its
ten-year rule in the state.
He said the state government now decided to issue ration cards to 40 lakh new families in the state. Fine rice will be distributed to all these families. Referring to the Grama Sabhas held recently across the state, the chief minister said the government brought about a change in governance and sent officials to villages as they are accountable to the people for attending Gram Sabhas.