Legislative Affairs Minister T Harish Rao introduced the bill. Though it was mentioned in the bill to hike the pay to about Rs 2.80 lakh in the copies circulated among the members and the media, altogether the wages may be pegged at Rs 3 lakh to Rs 3.5 lakh a month. The wage hike will burden the State exchequer by Rs 42.67 cr a month as 119 MLAs and 40 MLCs are to benefit from the decision.
class="MsoNormal" style="text-align:justify;text-indent:0.5in">The basic pay is
hiked to Rs 20,000, HRA doubled to Rs 50,000 from Rs 25,000 and special car
security allowance is put at Rs 25,000. It is known fact that the legislators
get wages and allowances for constituency development, HRA, personal assistant,
security, vehicle maintenance and driver. Speaker, Deputy Speaker, Council
Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Chief Minister, Chief Whip, Whip, Leader of
Opposition will get the salaries of Cabinet rank.
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