Legislative Affairs Minister Vemula Prashanth Reddy on Friday said the Monsoon session of the Telangana Legislature was conducted in a meaningful manner with a democratic spirit. The time allocated to the members were utilised properly without any deviations and all the members extended their cooperation in the House, he said, interacting with media persons after the House was adjourned sine die.
“There were no protests, walkouts and suspensions and ample time was given to the opposition members to speak on issues. It is not proper on the part of opposition leader Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka to allege that sufficient time was not given to them,” he said. The Minister said
the Congress members were making baseless allegations. The government responded to the adjournment motions moved by the opposition parties separately.
The Speaker took the decision to conclude the session only after discussing it with the opposition members. Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao intended to continue the session for some more days but the members requested that it be adjourned sine die in view of the festival season. The Minister requested the opposition members to prepare thoroughly before coming to the House next time and added the remaining issues that would be discussed during the Winter session.