Thanks to Chief Minister K Chandraekhar Rao for his initiative on the pending issue that is getting fructified with his Maharashtra counterpart Devendra Fadnavis, who furthered the pact. It is pertinent to note that Maharashtra Governor Ch Vidyasagar Rao, a former Union Minister and Telangana BJP leader of national level, also played a key role in the deal. The historic pact will give shape to their ideas of constructing the projects ending the rift between the two States and impound waters to irrigate projects.
Thus, the plan
of Telangana government to bring about green revolution in the North Telangana
region has just begun acquiring the bud and fructify in a couple of years.
Speaking on the occasion, Devendra Fadnavis acknowledged that the two regions
have long time relationship and the pact will cement the bonds of the two
States. “We will work together for the irrigation
projects that would meet the
riparian needs of farmers”, Fadnavis said after signing the deal with KCR.
Irrigation Ministers of the two States T Harish Rao and Girish Mahajan, Telangana Ministers Indrakaran Reddy and Jogu Ramanna and concerned officials of both the States were present during the pact signing. While the two governments under one umbrella will deal with the existing irrigation projects, a new inter-state board will deal with the upcoming projects with technicalities and other details. Another important point that could push the deal was that there was an agreement for reducing submergence area under the projects.
Later KCR noted the deal as historic and extended thanks to Fadnavis for his vision to resolve the pending issue and complete the irrigation projects. Lendi, Pranahitha (Tummidihatti barrage), Kaleshwaram (Medigadda barrage), Penganga barrages at Rajupet, between Chanaka and Korata areas and Penpahad and Lower Penganga projects are to be completed in a phased manner, according to the deal. While KCR will be the Chairman of the board for first year, Fadnavis being co-chairman for the current year will head the same next year. The Board will function from Hyderabad comprising a Union Water Resources department official, besides irrigation, finance, revenue, forest and other ministers and officials from both the States as members.
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