Telangana Additional DGP (Telangana State Technical Services), V.V. Srinivasa Rao, congratulated the PCS&S team of Telangana police for winning the 15th National Digital Transformation Award 2024 under the category ‘mGovernance Initiative of the Year’ for the innovative project ‘ePetty Case System: Enhancing Public Safety through Digital Evidence-Based Enforcement.’
The prestigious award was presented at Guwahati by KSPV Pavan Kumar, IFS, Special Secretary (IT) & Director, Information Technology Department (DITEC), Government of Assam, in the presence of Anurag Goel, IAS,
Chief Electoral Officer, Government of Assam. The award was received by Ms. Kiran Kumari, SP, PCS&S, along with S. Ravichandra, DSP IT of Telangana police.
Srinivasa Rao praised the team for their dedication and innovation in leveraging digital solutions to enhance policing standards.
He stated, “This achievement is a testament to the Telangana Police’s commitment to adopting cutting-edge technology for improved public safety, transparency, and evidence-based enforcement. The ePetty Case System has set a new benchmark for efficient and citizen-centric policing.”