Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao on Wednesday said Telangana State, which was progressing rapidly on the path of development, had also emerged as a role model for the entire country in maintenance of law and order in the State. He appreciated the police personnel for their active participation in this direction and suggested that they remain extra sensitive while dealing with cases pertaining to attacks on Dalits and other weaker sections.

At a high-level meeting with senior officials from the Police and Forest departments at Pragathi Bhavan here, Chandrashekhar Rao emphasised the need for constant efforts to maintain law and order in society. He expressed his displeasure over attacks on Dalits in some parts of the country and hoped that society will get rid of such misery. “The police must be vigilant and take precautionary measures to prevent such attacks on Dalits in the State. It is the collective responsibility of the police department to protect the weak from the strong,” he said.

The Chief Minister suggested that police personnel of all ranks become participants in community activities and cultivate a spirit of friendly policing by giving respect to all citizens. He wanted them to treat all those who come to them for help with respect and without any discrimination. He declared that women’s safety was paramount for the State government and wanted the police to work harder in this regard.

Chandrashekhar Rao wanted the authorities to deal severely with smugglers of forest resources and asked both the Police and the Forest departments to work in tandem to curb it. He felt that the apathy of the previous governments in handling the issue had led to the menace which was being dealt sternly by the TRS government. He wanted increased awareness among the police personnel about the forest resources and crimes like smuggling by participating in Haritha Haram programme taken up by the State government. “Senior officials from both the Police and Forest

departments should hold coordination meetings at regular intervals and also devise strategies to curb timber smuggling,” he instructed.

Observing that the eradication of Gudumba in the State was a major achievement by the police department after the State formation, the Chief Minister asked the Police and the Excise departments to work in coordination with each other in the same spirit. He said during the Covid-19 pandemic, there were reports about fresh cases of illicit liquor being brewed in some places and directed the officials to deal with them sternly. He also asked the police to remain on high alert while dealing with social evils like gambling as well as cultivating, sale and transportation of ganja.

The Chief Minister directed the senior police officers to be more firm while dealing with fake certificates cases. “It will send wrong signals in the society if people are able to produce fake certificates instead of getting genuine ones after studying hard. Senior police officials should focus on nabbing gangs involved in preparing these fake certificates and take stern action against them,” he added.

Chandrashekhar Rao also suggested to DGP M Mahender Reddy to expedite the process of setting up 10 lakh CCTV cameras in Hyderabad city. He wanted the police department to make optimum use of technological advancement to control crime. He said the world-class, state-of-the-art Command Control system in Hyderabad will be operationalised soon. He wanted the police to deal the organised crimes with an iron hand.

Home Minister Mohd Mahmood Ali, Forests Minister A Indrakaran Reddy, DGP M Mahender Reddy, Government Advisers Rajiv Sharma, Anurag Sharma, CMO Principal Secretary S Narsing Rao, CMO Secretary Smita Sabharwal, OSD Priyanka Varghese, Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (PCCF) R Shobha and other senior officials from both the police and forest departments attended the meeting.

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