Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao said Telangana State emerged as the ‘Rice Bowl of India’ and was providing food security not only for the denizens of the State but also the entire country. He wished people of the State on the occasion of the World Food Safety Day on Monday and recalled the efforts of the State government behind the transformation of Telangana into a ‘Rice Bowl’ of the country.

In a statement issued here, the Chief Minister said with the operation of projects like Kaleshwaram Lift Irrigation Scheme, farmers of Telangana State achieved amazing results in crop cultivation during the Covid-19 pandemic over the last a couple of crop seasons. At a time when majority of business across the country were shutdown due to the lockdown, farmers in the State took up cultivation and ensured food security for the country. He pointed out that Telangana suffered severely due to lack of irrigational and drinking water resources which were ignored in undivided Andhra Pradesh by the then rulers.

“But soon after the State formation, the government had not only constructed irrigation projects like Kaleshwaram to supply water for agriculture, but also strengthened its tanks under Mission Kakatiya. Our efforts

are yielding fruits as the State is emerging as number one State in food production. It is a moment of pride for the entire State,” he added.

Chandrashekhar Rao said the State government was implementing several welfare schemes for the people of the State and providing food security as well as social and life security at an expenditure of Rs 45,000 crore. The State government is providing quality rice of 6 kg per person per month through the ration card, to ensure that people do not struggle for food. 

About 20 lakh tonnes of rice is being distributed to around 2.79 crore people at just Re 1 per kg rice and covering about 72 per cent of the State’s population through 87.41 lakh ration cards every year. The State government is bearing subsidy burden of Rs 2,088 crore every year at a rate of Rs 28.24 per kg rice, providing food security for all denizens.

Further, the State government is supplying fine variety rice to students studying in the social welfare hostels across the State. The government is also implementing the ration portability scheme allowing the ration card holders to obtain their ration from anywhere in the State.

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