The Telangana State Police system has emerged the best in the country in maintaining law and order and is a role model to other States, Home Minister Mohd Mahmood Ali said here on Thursday.
Inaugurating the new building of the Keshampet law and order police station built at an estimated cost of Rs 1 crore at Shadnagar in Ranga Reddy, the Minister said that with the guidance and support of Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao, the police force was acting efficiently in maintaining law and order and peace in the society. The department had adopted a friendly police system and the personnel were striving hard to maintain
peace and security.
“Nearly 7 lakh surveillance cameras have been installed across three police commissionerates until now,” he said, adding that the increasing cybercrime trend too was being tackled effectively. For the safety of citizens, the government had invested nearly Rs 700 crore for strengthening the patrolling system apart from filling up nearly 28,000 police posts and giving 33 per cent reservation to women in the police force, he added.
Cyberabad Police Commissioner M Stephen Raveendra and other senior officers were present