The BJP-led Centre has considered the Telangana government’s long-pending demand to set up a mega textile park in the State.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday announced that under PM MITRA (Mega Integrated Textile Region and Apparel), a mega textile park would be set up in Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. Save for Tamil Nadu and Telangana, the other five are BJP-ruled States in which these parks are being set up.
The Centre’s assistance for these parks — categorised into Greenfield and Brownfield — would be 51 per cent and the balance would have to be borne by the respective State governments.
Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao and Handlooms Minister KT Rama Rao had
personally appealed to the Prime Minister to set up a mega textile park in Telangana. All the efforts put in by the Telangana government for the last six years have finally paid off with the Centre finally announcing the setting up of a mega textile park in the State.
After the Azamjahi Mill shut down long ago and considering the rich history of Warangal, the State government decided to set up a mega textile park. To this effect, 2,000 acres were allocated at Shayampet. The Chief Minister also laid the foundation for the mega textile park on October 22, 2017.
Under the first phase, 1,200 acres were acquired and Rs 1,552 crore of expenditure was estimated. Of this, Rs 1,100 crore was estimated for the provision of basic amenities.