Chillapalli panchayat in Manthani mandal has won the national level second rank in the Deen Dayal Upadhyay Panchayat Satat Vikas Puraskar.
The village got the award under Women-Friendly Panchayat category for the year 2022-23. Women self-help groups in the village are more active. The women, who used to lead a financially backward life earlier, strengthened their financial status by doing various businesses. Multiple women’s groups are running different businesses by getting loans from
banks. Besides these groups, individual women are also running different businesses such as kirana stores, beauty parlors, tailoring mini ATMs, chicken centres, photostat copy centres and others.
While the panchayat gave loans of Rs.15 lakh to the groups, individuals were Rs.2 lakh to Rs.3 lakh. Repayment of the loans was also being done regularly by the groups. No SHG group in the villages had defaulted, officials said. Besides regular meetings, maintenance of records was also done properly.