Hyderabad Mayor Gadwal Vijayalakshmi, who was the only Mayor from India to be invited to the Global Mayor’s conference conducted by United Nations Information and Communication Technologies (UN ICT), attended the online event on Friday morning and delivered a speech on ‘Advancing a Carbon-Neutral, Resilient Recovery for Cities and Nations’.
“We meet at a critical time when Covid and climate change are challenging our lives. The resilience of our governance systems have ensured a quick and on-going recovery from
the pandemic, with a fast vaccination drive,” she said in the event presided by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres.
She also emphasised on how Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao and MA&UD Minister K T Rama Rao were striving hard to make Hyderabad a climate resilient and a low-carbon city and said, “Hyderabad is also developing a city biodiversity index, with 64,000 hectares of urban forests and is planting 5 million saplings to enhance our carbon sinks significantly.”