Telangana State Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao on Monday said that they would implement the Telangana model in Maharashtra, as a number of sarpanchs and public representatives of local bodies joined BRS in the city. Rao said that the BRS ruling government introduced a number of people's friendly policies and schemes.

The Telangana state is a role model for many states in the country in terms of development. "We will implement similar schemes in Maharashtra and request all the sarpanchs to work in respective places to strengthen the BRS in Maharashtra," he said. Rao called upon the Solapur constituency sarpanchs to work on people's issues by mingling with them. The BRS would support the Maharashtra unit and cadre.

Even though the Godavari and Krishna started from Maharashtra, the people living in the state are facing drinking water issue for the past decades. People depend on lifting water from wells in many districts in that state. "The country has plenty

ofwater sources and 1.40 lakh TMC water is available in the country. But, we utilise only 19 TMCs water and remaining 51 TMCs water merging into seas. We must plan to build irrigation projects to reserve water for drinking and irrigation," the Chief Minister said.

Chandrasekhar Rao said that many IAS officers in Maharashtra suggested the government to implement policies like Telangana to serve better in Maharashtra. In Telangana, the ruling BRS government is implementing free power supply for agriculture sector, Dalit Bandu, Rythu Bhima, paddy procurement, cancellation of water tax from people, "The BJP government at Centre encourages corporate businessmen Adani and Ambani in handing over nationalised institutions. The BJP government at Centre failed to bring people related schemes," the chief minister alleged.

At least 200 persons including sarpanches, local body public representatives from Solapur of Maharashtra.

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