Vukkurthy Suresh, a Sub-Inspector of Police, Thirumalagiri police station in Suryapet district and Nagaraju, a police constable, were caught by the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) when they allegedly demanded Rs.3 lakh and accepted a bribe amount of Rs.30,000 through PhonePe.
An amount of Rs.30,000 was received to the account of Sri Sai Filling Station, Suryapet on
January 25, and Rs.70,000 on January 28 through the constable and Rs.30,000 through Phonepe to the bank account of the constable from the complainant.
The bribe was demanded from the complainant to do an official favour to issue a notice under Section 35 BNSS Act to avoid arrest of the complainant pertaining to the crime number - 12/2025 of Thirumalagiri police station.