At Bahadurpura, a pedestrian died after being hit by a tipper lorry on Sunday morning. Abdul Rashid (45), a resident of Mustafa Nagar was walking on the Mir Alam filter road when a tipper lorry hit him from behind. “Rashid fell down the road and sustained serious head injuries and died on the spot,” said Bahadurpura sub inspector, P Naga Laxmi. The police took the driver into custody and seized the vehicle.
A teenager died in a road accident at Gachibowli on Saturday night. Syed Abdul Samad (17), a resident of Jyothinagar in Ramachandrapuram was going on a motorcycle last night. “When he reached UoH campus road, Samad rammed his motorcycle into a lorry ahead of him.
He fell on the road and sustained injuries. He was shifted to Osmania General Hospital where doctors pronounced him dead,” said Gachibowli sub inspector, K Radhika Yadav.
In a hit and run case at Begum Bazaar, an elderly woman died on Saturday. Mukka Kumari, a resident of Siddiamber Bazar was crossing the road at Taj Island junction at MJ Market when a speeding car hit her. The woman fell on the road and sustained serious injuries and was rushed to a private hospital where she passed away while undergoing treatment, Begum Bazaar, sub inspector, R Pavan said. The car driver fled from the spot without attending to the accident victim. Efforts are on to identify and nab him.