In a shocking incident, a three year old girl was brutally beaten up allegedly by her father at their house in Saifabad as she was reportedly troubling him. The child is admitted in hospital and battling for life.
The child Sakina Fatima (3) lives along with her parents Sana Fathima and Basith Khan, at A C Guards under Saifabad police station limits. The couple has four daughters and Sakina is the third daughter. On Saturday evening, all the family members were at the house when Basith noticed Sakina was in the washroom for a longer time.
Basith went to the washroom carrying a big spoon in his hand and started hitting the girl badly. As the child was crying loudly, her mother tried to stop Basith but the latter pushed her away and hit the girl on the floor,” said
Saifabad police.
Sana managed to snatch away the child from Basith and took her to the bedroom. While the girl was asleep, Sana noticed froth coming out of the mouth of the girl and rushed her to Osmania General Hospital in the night. The child was admitted by the doctors for treatment. Doctors said the child suffered serious internal injuries on head.
On information the Saifabad police reached the hospital and took a complaint from Sana. The woman told the police that Basith had previously also beaten the girl for troubling and disobeying him. A case under Section 307 of IPC and 75 of JJ Act is booked against him. The police suspect that Basith is suffering from mental health issues. The police are investigating.