A delegation of senior TPCC members left for Delhi on Thursday to discuss with the Congress high command the strategy for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections in Telangana. The group comprised Deputy Chief Minister Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka, and ministers N. Uttam Kumar Reddy, Danasari Anasuya (Seethakka), Konda Surekha and Ponnam Prabhakar.

Party sources said the leaders would discuss the identification of the right candidates for the polls, as well as countering the BJP’s rhetoric on the Ayodhya Ram Temple issue, to ensure the party’s prospects are not hit in Telangana.

In the run-up to the Assembly polls, the Congress high command had asked the state unit to undertake an aggressive campaign on the Six Guarantees. Now, the state unit will counter the BJP’s

rhetoric by highlighting how the party had started implementing the guarantees within days of assuming office in the state, sources said.

Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy, as TPCC chief, was also supposed to attend the meeting, but could not make it due to prior engagements. Besides being the TPCC chief, he is also the minister in charge of the Chevella and Mahbubnagar Lok Sabha constituencies.

The Deputy CM and ministers, who are also incharges of other Lok Sabha constituencies in the state, submitted reports on the party's prospects in their respective Lok Sabha seats, including the percentage of votes garnered by Congress in the recent Assembly polls and identified where it could improve its vote share.

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