The Hyderabad traffic police issued a traffic advisory for citizens in connection with the program of unveiling of the statue of Telangana Thalli and the carnival on NTR Marg on Monday between 2 pm and 10 pm.
General traffic coming from Buddha Bhavan will not be allowed towards P.V.N.R Marg (Necklace Road) and will be diverted towards Karbala, Ranigunj and vehicles from Minister Road will be diverted towards Ranigunj.
Similarly traffic coming from Panjagutta and Raj Bhavan towards NTR Marg and Necklace Road will be diverted towards Shadan College and Lakdikapool. Traffic coming from Telugu Thalli towards Old PS Saifabad will be
diverted at Iqbal Minar towards Ravindra Bharathi and traffic from Ravindra Bharathi towards Old P.S Saifabad will be diverted at Iqbal Minar towards Telugu Thalli flyover.
The traffic coming from Iqbal Minar and Telugu Thalli towards Necklace Rotary will be diverted towards Ambedkar Statue and Tank Bund. Similarly traffic coming from Ambedkar statue will not be allowed towards NTR Marg and diverted towards Iqbal Minar.
Traffic from Khairtabad Bada Ganesh will not be allowed towards Necklace Rotary and diverted towards Mint compound lane while traffic from Iqbal Minar to Mint Lane will be diverted towards Telugu Thalli junction.