The Hyderabad traffic police launched a special drive to collect pending traffic challans from the doorsteps of motorists who failed to clear them during the ‘discount offer’ scheme.
The traffic police has prepared a list of the vehicle owners who have huge challan amount pending against them for different traffic violations. “A team of traffic cops are visiting the house of the vehicle owner and detaining the vehicle. Full amount of the challan will be collected from them,” said a senior official of Hyderabad traffic police.
Special teams of the traffic police comprising a sub inspector, couple of constables and home guards are also standing at important traffic junctions and arterial roads in the city and checking pending challans against the motorists. The special drive is being taken up in the mornings or late night hours. The teams are detaining and releasing the vehicles only after the
challan is cleared.
“A charge sheet in the court is also being filed against the persons who failed to clear the challans. Now there will be no discount, full amount has to be paid and the vehicle owner will also have to attend the court,” the official said.
The Telangana police for a period of one-and-half-month starting March 1 announced the ‘discount offer’ for vehicle owners to clear the challans. The two-wheelers were asked to pay 25 per cent, four wheelers 50 per cent, RTC buses 30 per cent and push carts 20 per cent of the amount. The decision was taken considering the financial position of the citizens after Covid triggered lockdowns.
The Hyderabad traffic police officials maintained that around 65 per cent of the pending traffic challans were cleared during the ‘discount offer’. Across Telangana, a total of 3 crore challans were cleared by the motorists.