In view of the immersion of Durga Matha idols in the Hussain Sagar on Saturday, there will be certain traffic restrictions placed at NTR Marg and People’s Plaza on the PVNR Marg.
Accordingly, traffic coming from Khairatabad flyover will not be allowed towards the NTR Marg, and diverted towards Shadan Nirankari.
Traffic will not be allowed towards NTR Marg and will be diverted towards Iqbal Minar and Ravindra Bharathi.
Likewise, traffic from Minister
Road will not be allowed towards PVNR Marg and diverted towards Karbala at Nallagutta Bridge.
And traffic from Buddha Bhavan will not be allowed towards Nallagutta Bridge and PVNR Marg.
People intending to go towards Minister Road may take the route via Ranigunj.
Further it is informed that the above restrictions will be imposed depending on the traffic congestion of Durga idols for immersion at NTR Marg, officials said.