The Hyderabad Traffic Police have placed certain traffic restrictions in the city in view of the 2K and 5K run being organized by the Hyderabad She Team from People’s Plaza on Sunday. The restrictions will be in effect between 5 am to 8am.
Accordingly, traffic from VV Statue towards Khairatabad flyover and Necklace Rotary will be diverted towards Shadan and Nirankari Bhavan and vehicles from Ambedkar Statue will be diverted towards Iqbal Minar. Vehicles from Iqbal Minar towards Upper Tank Bund will be
diverted on Telugu Talli flyover at Secretariat Old Gate and traffic from Liberty towards upper Tank Bund will be diverted towards Iqbal Minar and on to Telugu Talli flyover.
Vehicles from Karbala to Ambedkar Statue via Tank Bund will be diverted towards DBR Mills – Lower Tank Bund and traffic from Nallagutta towards Sanjeevaiah Park will be diverted towards Ranigunj X roads. At DBR Mills traffic will not be allowed towards Children’s Park.