The Hyderabad traffic police announced traffic restrictions in view of the visit of Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu to the city. The traffic restrictions will be imposed on June 20, 21 on different routes.
On June 20 (Monday), traffic will be stopped when the Vice President travels on the following route after alighting from the flight at Begumpet Airport around 6.10 p.m. The road route is PNT flyover, Shyam Lal building, HPS Begumpet, Begumpet flyover, Punjaguttta flyover, Jubilee Hills Check Post to Road No.29,
Jubilee Hills.
On June 21 (Tuesday), traffic will be stopped at about 6.20 am between Road No 29 Jubilee Hills to Parade Grounds on the route – Road No. 29, Jubilee Hills via Jubilee Hills Check Post, Punjagutta flyover, Begumpet flyover, HPS Begumpet, Shyam Lal Building, PNT flyover, Prakash Nagar flyover, Rasoolpura, CTO flyover.
The police urged the citizens to take note of above timings and route and plan their movements accordingly.