The Hyderabad Traffic police announced certain traffic directions/restrictions on Tuesday on account of Bibi ka Alam procession in the old city.
The traffic restrictions will be imposed between 12 noon and 10 pm on the procession route between Bibi ka Alawa Dabeerpura to Masjid -e- Ilahi Chaderghat.
The procession will pass through Bibi ka Alawa
– Shaik Faiz Kaman, Yakutpura Road, Etebaar Chowk –Alijah Kotla- Charminar – Gulzar Houz, Panjesha, Mirchowk police station–Mir Alam Mandi- Darulshifa grounds – Azakhana –e- Zohra, Kali Khabar and culminate near Masjid –e- Ilahi Chaderghat.
Vehicles will not be allowed on the procession route and the traffic authorities asked the public to cooperate with them.