On the occasion of the 29th anniversary of the passing of the world-famous actor Sri Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao, tributes were paid to Rama Rao at his statue in the form of Krishna in Filmnagar, Hyderabad. On this occasion, NTR's family members, politicians, Telugu film industry leaders and fans remembered NTR at the statue of NTR in Filmnagar. On this occasion, Paruchuri Gopalakrishna said...
"I am not only a fan of NTR, but also a great devotee. He is a god in
human form. NTR has never abandoned anyone who believed in him. They are all in good shape today. NTR is a person who wants everyone to be well. I feel fortunate to have written dialogues for his film.
He would send me home with a full meal. I am proud to call myself his fan. NTR is a great man who sacrificed his life for the society. I wish that Annagaru should be born on Telugu soil once again and that the level of Telugu people should be raised once again."