The Telangana Rashtra Samithi (now Bharat Rashtra Samithi) cadre on Tuesday organised celebrations across the State on the occasion of the Deeksha Divas, marking the commencement of the indefinite hunger strike launched by party President and Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao 13 years ago during the Telangana Statehood movement. They organised blood donation camps, fruit distribution at hospitals and other charity activities and donations on the occasion.

It was on November 29, 2009 that Chandrashekhar Rao launched an indefinite hunger strike as part of his efforts to achieve Telangana State. However, the police arrested him and shifted to Khammam prison and later to the NIMS hospital in Hyderabad where he continued his hunger strike.

As his condition deteriorated after 11 days, the then UPA government announced that the process for creation of Telangana State has begun, thus marking a historic moment. To mark the occasion, the TRS has been celebrating November 2009 as Deeksha


Recalling the events, TRS (BRS) working president and Minister KT Rama Rao tweeted that Chandrashekhar Rao’s fight was unparalleled. ” A day that marked the beginning of a new era. A day when a fragile thin man revolted and awakened his people. It is a crucial day that grabbed the nation’s attention necessitating creation of Telangana. A day which has become a milestone and memorable in the history of Telangana,” he tweeted.

Finance Minister T Harish Rao termed the Deeksha Divas as the day that changed the history of Telangana. He said Chandrashekhar Rao who led the Telangana movement took a historic initiative. “He fought tirelessly for the achievement of Telangana State, and has shown his strong determination to achieve it, risking his life,” he remembered.

Ministers Errabelli Dayakar Rao, G Jagadish Reddy, S Niranjan Reddy, V Srinivas Goud and several other TRS (BRS) elected representatives also recalled the historic occasion.

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