The Narsingi police on Friday arrested the driver of a truck involved in a fatal road accident on the Outer Ring Road between Gachibowli and Shamshabad on Tuesday. He was booked for culpable homicide not amounting to murder.
Police said P Nagaraju (28) from Chennapet in Nalgonda district, had negligently reversed the truck and crashed into the auto trolley of Shaik Shoukath Ali, resulting in the latter’s death.
Shoukath Ali was proceeding from Gachibowli towards Shamshabad and when he reached near the ORR toll
gate near the Telangana State Police Academy, Nagaraju, who had stopped the truck on the road, suddenly took it in reverse.
“Nagaraju drove the vehicle in rash and dangerous manner in reverse direction on Outer Ring Road, by knowing clearly that the vehicles on ORR move in high speed and his act may result in fatal road crashes. This amounts to culpable homicide not amounting to murder,” an official said.
The Narsingi police booked a case and subsequently arrested Nagaraju and he was remanded in judicial custody.