The Kushaiguda police on Tuesday seized Rs 20 lakh of unaccounted cash, while Chandanagar police recovered 28.9 kg of gold ornaments and 25.7 kg of silver ornaments in sealed boxes, without bills, during checks to comply with the model code of conduct for the upcoming Assembly elections.

The police said that in the past eight days, they have seized Rs101.18 crore, in cash, liquor, gold, silver, drugs and suspected freebies.

The seizures include Rs55.99 crore in cash, liquor worth Rs2.6 crore and marijuana worth Rs3.42 crore.

Additionally, 72.06 kilograms of gold, 429.1 kilograms of silver and free items amounting to Rs70.04 lakh were recovered, they said.

The police have deployed 373 flying squads, 374 static surveillance teams and 95 internal check posts at state borders, in addition to local mobile parties to thwart transportation of unaccounted money, liquor and precious metals.

Additionally, unlicensed arms were seized, explosives were confiscated and numerous legal actions were initiated, the police said.

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