Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao on Sunday instructed officials to take all necessary precautionary measures Covid-19 under check in Telangana as the number of coronavirus cases have increased in some states. He said all the necessary steps and measures would be taken to reach the possible situation if the state was hit by a second wave of the pandemic.
He suggested that people remain cautious and adhere to self-protection guidelines. ‘Maintaining personal safety is the best way to prevent Covid-19, “he said. He said when a vaccine was made available Covid-19, it would first be given to health workers.
The Chief Minister here looked at the prevailing situation in Pragathi Bhavan and said that normality has since returned to the Telangana state. coronavirus cases have decreased. Despite the large increase in the number of tests performed, positive cases were less than 10
percent and the recovery rate was 94.5 percent, he pointed out.
‘Although Covid-19 patients suffer to some extent, the mortality rate is very low in the state. The state government is still ready and is taking all the necessary precautions in the state, ”Chandrashekhar Rao assured. While about 10,000 beds of oxygen were kept ready throughout the state, he advised officials to increase their numbers. As of date, the situation is completely under control, he repeated.
Chandrashekhar Rao said the state government would put everything in place and put in place the necessary measures to stop its spread coronavirus. However, he sought the co – operation of the people and encouraged them to act responsibly in this regard. ‘Although there is now an unlocking process going on, people need to be careful, wear masks and follow everything Covid guidelines, ”he suggested.
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