Minister for Cinematography Talasani Srinivas Yadav on Thursday said the State government will take all steps to grant conditional permission for TV and film shootings and opening of movie theatres in the State. The Minister’s assurance came at a meeting with representatives of several associations of the cine industry at the MCRHRD Institute.

The association members explained to the Minister various steps to be taken before allowing shootings and opening theatres. They brought to the notice of the Minister the problems artists will face reaching home late at night during curfew. They also explained the problems faced by artists coming to Hyderabad from other States.

However Principal Secretary Home, Ravi Gupta assured that they will be given passes if they formally apply with the police department. The meeting also discussed various precautions to be taken while opening up the theatres .The members of associations assured the government that they will

obey by the conditions to be imposed by the government to contain the spread of Covid-19.

“The government is always sympathetic towards the industry and I will take all the proposals and requests that you have made to the notice of Chief Minister K Chnadrashekhar Rao,” the Minister said. Further explaining various components of the “Best Policy” being drafted for the development of cine industry in the State, Srinivas yadav said issues such as attractive electricity tariff, flexi-ticketing, online ticketing, pensions for artists and white ration cards will be part of the policy. He said that the conclusions of the meeting will be sent for Chief Minister’s approval and observations.

Actors Akkineni Nagarjuna, Directors Rajamouli, N Shankar, Trivikram Srinivas, Producers C Kalyan, KS Rama Rao, Suresh Babu, president MAA (Movie Artists Association) Naresh and others participated in the meeting.

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