Two teenage boys, both brothers, allegedly stole nearly Rs.4 lakh from their house and spent it lavishly along with their friends in Jeedimetla. They didn’t stop at that. The boys then replaced some of the stolen currency with fake children’s bank currency to avoid being caught by their parents.

Police said the boys, aged between 8 and 10 years, had in the span of 20 days stole the cash kept by their parents in the almirah. This happened about a month ago. Two of their friends, aged

13 and 14 years, encouraged them in the act.

“They replaced the stolen currency with fake children’s bank currency notes. Recently, when their parents checked the currency, they realised cash was missing. The children used the money to buy costly gadgets and for other expenses,” an official said, adding that the children confessed the crime to their parents when they were confronted.

Based on a complaint, the Jeedimetla police have booked a case.

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