Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao has launched a broadside against the Central Government accusing the Prime Minister Narendra Modi of not fulfilling any of his electoral promises and held the Centre responsible for halting Telangana’s growth and development.
He challenged the local BJP leaders to take up the long-pending issues like addressing River Krishna water disputes and clearing Palamuru Rangareddy Lift Irrigation scheme approvals with the Prime Minister Modi. Over 100 applications were filed during the last eight years but the Prime Minister had failed to clear them.
“BJP leaders here do not have guts to raise Telangana issues and go weak in their knees before the Prime Minister” Chandrashekhar Rao thundered during hi speech after inaugurating the Integrated District Collectorate Complex and laying foundation for medical college at Vikarabad on Tuesday.
Taking objection to BJP workers’ attempts to obstruct his convoy, he warned that TRS party could also reciprocate with slogans and wave flags at BJP leaders.
People had many expectations from Prime Minister’s address to the nation on Independence Day but there was no specific announcement and his speech lacked substance, the Chief Minister said.
“Under the BJPs rule, inflation is rising, unemployment is not addressed and economic growth is plummeting. It is time to reject the Central Government and elect a Government, which works for people’s welfare,” Chandrashekhar Rao said pointing out no other State could match Telangana in terms of implementing several welfare schemes and comprehensive development.
He wanted local MLAs and MLCs in Vikarabad to take men and women on study tours to neighbouring Karnataka to check and compare the welfare measures being implemented in Telangana with those in the BJP ruled State.
He reminded that people in Raichur had exerted pressure on the elected public
representatives to either merge the district in Telangana or implement the State Government’s welfare measures.
“In the past, people sold one acre in other States and bought three to four acres in Telangana. But the trend has changed. Now, people sell one acre in Telangana and buy three to four acres in other States” Chandrashekhar Rao said.
Stressing that State’s development would not suffice, the Chief Minister said the Central Government’s support and coordination was equally important.
Unfortunately, the Central Government, which lacked vision and failed to ensure people’s welfare and was describing Telangana Government’s welfare schemes as freebies, he slammed.
It has been eight years and the BJP Government had not implemented one poll promise made to the people. These aspects have to be discussed by the people in villages, he stated.
“During elections, leaders from different places come here and try to influence with false assurances and claims. One has to be cautious and not fall prey to their fake promises,” Chandrashekhar Rao said to the people.
Telangana was the only State, which was extending 24 hours quality power supply and sufficient water to the farming community. But in the guise of reforms, meters would be installed for motors at farm wells, he pointed out.
Further, despite coal being available at Singareni for Rs.4000 per ton, States were being asked to procure coal from Indonesia and Australia, spending about Rs.30,000 per ton, he said, adding “All this was being dome to benefit corporate giants at the cost of poor man’s welfare”.
People have to think wisely. One should not get deceived by the evil forces and instead chase them away. Nation’s progress was deteriorating with every passing day and it was time to dethrone the Central Government, he added.