Telangana State Planning Board vice-chairman B Vinod Kumar on Tuesday said the union budget presented by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman left everyone disappointed. The union Budget would not benefit any community in the country, he said in a statement issued here. Priority was not given to the education, health, education, agriculture and welfare sectors apart from working class in the Budget, he said.
Nirmala Sitharaman announced in the budget that prestigious international arbitration centre and world-class foreign institutes would be set up in Gujarat International
Finance Technical City. “It is unfortunate that all the international institutes are going to Gujarat,” he said.
He alleged that the Centre government was biased towards Telangana and showing step-motherly treatment towards the States in south India. In view of elections in Uttar Pradesh, the Finance Minister has announced separate status to Bundelkhand and allocated Rs 49,000 crore.
Vinod Kumar demanded that preference should be given for Telangana in introducing Vande Bharat trains.