Union home minister Amit Shah on Wednesday exhorted the voters of Hyderabad Lok Sabha constituency to ensure that their representative becomes a part of the 400 seats that the BJP aims to win in the ensuing Lok Sabha elections. In an indirect reference to the AIMIM's hold on the seat, he said the BJP will get Hyderabad rid of the Razakars. Addressing a roadshow conducted by him in support of the BJP’s candidate for Hyderabad Lok Sabha constituency Madhavi Latha, the minister said, 

“For 40 years, Razakars have been ruling Hyderabad. This time, we are fighting to rid the city of them. Everyone should vote and try to bring the city into the mainstream and ask people to vote for Madhavi Latha to make her win the seat with a huge majority.”

The Union minister’s roadshow passed through Mahankali temple, Laldarwaza to Sudha Talkies, and

Shalibanda in Hyderabad. In her brief address, Madhavi Latha egged on the people to vote for the BJP and said their anger against the 40-year rule of the party should turn into votes. Her slogans of Ab Ki Baar Modi Sarkar rent the air. “The BJP should win for the sake of our children,” she added. With the entry of Madhavi Latha, the BJP hopes to make inroads into the constituency as she is adept in Telugu, Hindi and English.

Her cryptic comments have gone viral across social media. The BJP too on its part has left no stone unturned to give her visibility with none other than Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeting about her interview to a private television channel. Goshamahal MLA Raja Singh, who had so far kept away from campaigning for the Hyderabad candidate, joined her on stage. Kishan Reddy also attended the meeting.

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