Union Home Minister Amit Shah yesterday laid foundation stone for the state-of-the-art Composite Shooting Range at the Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy in Hyderabad. The Union Minister who was in Vijayawada of Andhra Pradesh, has virtually laid the stone. The Shooting Range, which is 50 meters long and has 10 tracks, has been proposed to be built for 27 crore rupees with modern facilities to train 10 IPS probationary officers at a time. Academy Director Amit Garg and other senior officials attended
the ceremony.
The academy in a release stated that the new facility will be the major technological boost to the outdoor infrastructure of NPA in its entire history. Our correspondent says that the turn-around time for training batches will come down drastically as no more travel to nearby firing ranges is required. All varieties of firing practices like day firing, night firing, reflex firing and all-season firing can be conducted.