Civil supplies and irrigation minister N. Uttam Kumar Reddy has criticised the BRS and BJP leaders for questioning the performance of the Congress government, which had taken over the administration just five months ago. Addressing a meeting in his Huzurnagar constituency on Sunday in support of Congress candidate K. Raghuveer Reddy for the Nalgonda Lok Sabha seat, Uttam Kumar Reddy accused the Opposition parties of mismanagement during their nearly 10-year rule, leading to the deterioration of the economy, agriculture, public health, infrastructure, and other sectors, particularly Telangana state.

He claimed that the BJP government inflicted significant damage to the economy through policies such as demonetisation, faulty GST, and other economic blunders. "The BJP government also neglected Telangana and failed to fulfil promises in the Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act.

Just imagine the kind of growth Telangana could have achieved in the past 10 years if the central government had kept all the promises.”

Recalling that Modi had even questioned the formation of Telangana on multiple occasions, Uttam Kumar Reddy said, “The BJP does not have any moral right to seek votes because it has done nothing for Telangana in the last 10 years," he said. Similarly, he said BRS president K. Chandrashekar Rao needs to realise that he is no longer in a position to challenge the Congress. "After being rejected by the people in the Assembly elections, KCR is now stuck in a deep swamp. The more he struggles to escape, the deeper he'll sink. Instead of causing trouble for the Congress government in Telangana, KCR should focus on keeping his party together and act like a responsible opposition leader."

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