One more Vande Bharat express train is expected to be soon introduced in the city between Secunderabad –Nagpur. The Vande Bharat Express is likely to run at a maximum speed of 130 kmph. Presently, two Vande Bharat Express trains, one between Secunderabad-Visakhapatnam and the other between Secunderabad-Tirupati, are operational. These two trains have become popular with the rail users from the city, running with an occupancy rate of not less than 100 per cent throughout the week.

South Central Railway (SCR) sources said the reservations in these trains are also getting full, thanks to the demand. With the success of these two services, it is learnt that the Indian

Railway is planning to introduce the Vande Bharat train between Secunderabad – Nagpur in the next few months. The Indian Railway is learnt to be planning these services in tandem with the SCR authorities.

There are already about 25 trains running between Hyderabad and Nagpur, both cities being commercial and business centres. However, all are express trains and not superfast trains. There is a lot of trade happening between the two cities and huge traffic being witnessed on any given day. The travel time of normal passenger trains takes about 10 hours and the Vande Bharat train is expected to cut that travel time to around 6.30 hours.

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