Nizamabad: Authorities released water from the Nizamsagar on Sunday to irrigate the paddy crop under the project’s command area. Banswada and Jukkal MLAs Pocharam Srinivas Reddy and Thota Laxmikanth Rao formally released the water into the Nizamsagar main canal. Kamareddy district zilla parishad chairperson Dafedar Shobha and others were present. The water will irrigate around 1.30 lakh acres in Kamareddy and Nizamabad districts.
Speaking on the occasion, Srinivas Reddy said by releasing water, Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy has positively
responded to the plea of farmers to release water from Nizamsagar project. The MLA said water will be released from Nizamsagar for the next 15 days for paddy plantation. He asked irrigation, revenue and police officials to coordinate and ensure that the water goes through all distributaries. On joining the Congress party, Pocharam Srinivas Reddy said he had begun his political career with Congress party in 1977 and will retire from it. He assured that he will give importance to the senior Congress leaders and activists.