LB Nagar police on Saturday arrested a drunk woman passenger who abused and assaulted two TSRTC conductors on January 25, as seen in a viral video. The altercation was triggered when the accused, Syed Samina of Amberpet, could not produce the Aadhaar card for free travel, and did not have small change for the ticket. A video of the incident was widely circulated on January 31. 

Police said Samina, 35, was identified from CCTV footage by LB Nagar police and was arrested from her house on Saturday. She was produced before the Rangareddy district court and remanded to 14 days in judicial custody.

After the incident, Jalagam Vijay, Hayathnagar depot manager, lodged a complaint with the LB Nagar police. Police registered a case against an unidentified woman passenger. Police said Samina boarded the bus at 5.30 pm on

January 25 to travel towards Dilsukhnagar. When the bus reached NTR Nagar at LB Nagar, she assaulted and abused Hayathnagar depot on-duty conductor V. Gangadhar when he asked to produce her Aadhaar card to issue a zero ticket, police said.

Gangadhar in his statement told the police that Samina was drunk. When she could not show her Aadhaar card, he issued her a `15 ticket. She gave him a `500 note. Gangadhar stated that he could not provide change, she started abusing, kicking and spitting on Gangadhar, police said. When another conductor travelling in the bus, Muthyalamma, tried to stop her, Samina pulled her by the hair and assaulted her. Asked about her reference to her father, police said her father, Javed, worked with a tent house company and had died six months back.

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