A 31-year-old woman, returning from work on her scooter, was run over by a private bus in Tamil Nadu's Thanjavur. The driver of the bus was caught and beaten up by commuters and local residents for reckless driving.
The woman identified as Akilandeswari died after she went under the wheels of the bus. She was dragged 200 metres before the speeding bus came to a halt, hitting a car. Several other commuters were lucky to have escaped
The incident was caught on several CCTV cameras.
A group of commuters and local residents then dragged the driver out and beat him up. They alleged that the driver was drunk. Soon after, the police reached the spot and took the driver into custody.
According to Tamil Nadu DGP, 4.22 lakh cases of drunken driving have been recorded between January 2019 and February 2020. Since 2018, 262 people have lost their lives in such incidents.