The Mahalakshmi free bus ride scheme, introduced by the Congress government in Telangana, has emerged as a significant source of financial relief for women and transgender individuals across the state. Official sources reveal that in just four months, since its inception till April 7, the scheme collectively saved them a remarkable Rs 1,177 crore.
This initiative has transformed commuting for women and paved the way for
substantial economic empowerment. Under the Mahalakshmi scheme, girls, women, and transgender individuals domiciled in Telangana can travel for free on TSRTC buses.
Launched on December 9, 2023, the scheme has witnessed a surge in the usage of TSRTC buses. Initially, around 14 lakh women availed the complimentary travel facility daily, which steadily increased. Now, an impressive average of 29.67 lakh women commute daily by bus.