Dhaka: Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Monday sent 2,600 kg mangoes as gift for PM Modi and West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee. As per reports, the consignment pf mangoes, being carried in Bangladeshi trucks, contains 260 boxes of the famous 'Haribhanga' mangoes crossed the border on Sunday afternoon.
Specially grown in Rangpur district in Bangladesh, this Haribhanga special mango variety was sent across the land border via the Benapole checkpoint, a Bangladeshi news agency
Notably, the mango gift from Bangladesh comes at a time when Dhaka has little been dismayed regarding the delay in delivery of second doses of vaccine to Bangladesh.
As per the report, the mangoes will be sent to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and West Bengal Chief Minister once it clears all customs and port formalities.
As per Bangladeshi media reports, Hasina was planning to send mangoes to chief ministers in northeastern states of Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Tripura, all of which share borders with Bangladesh.