Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan has had a fan-filled happy birthday this year. The ‘Raees’ actor’s house was surrounded by fans and his social media was tagged by various celebrities. He was seen, in the morning, waving to his well-wishers and expressing his gratitude. What he didn’t know was come evening, Dubai – a place he’s most fond of visiting – would have a surprise for him too.
The Burj Khalifa, which at 829.8
class="ginger-module-highlighter-mistake-type-1" id="gwmw-15727855151535698992646">metres is the tallest building in the world, is known to light up with special messages on special days – this time, it had a simple thought to relay: Happy Birthday Shah Rukh Khan. As evening poured into the city and people gathered to watch the Dubai fountain dance its famous evening dance, they also saw the works appear, sparkling, against a backdrop of black.
The actor, who has featured in visit Dubai clips – the #bemyguest series – seemed very moved by the love shown to him. He wrote on Twitter: “Thanks for making me shine so bright. Your love and kindness is unsurpassable.”