Colombian President Iván Duque ordered a curfew in the nation's capital yesterday amid continuing unrest in the country. The President announced on Twitter that he had also requested Bogota's Mayor to enforce a curfew in the city of seven million.
The curfew comes one day after an estimated 2,50,000 people took to the streets in one of the nation's biggest marches in recent history. While the protest started out peaceful, it ended with scattered clashes between protesters and police.
Three people were killed during nationwide
demonstrations in Colombia as part of a general strike protesting against the policies of President Ivan Duque's right-wing government, said the Defence Minister Carlos Holmes Trujillo.
Hundreds of thousands of Colombians took to the streets in the capital Bogota and other cities yesterday to protest Duque's economic, social and security policies. The protests come amid social upheaval across South America, as a wave of unrest over the past two months has battered governments in Chile, Bolivia and Ecuador.